Alex, she might have started out pretending to be horny but she wasn't pretending for long. Tina, those gorgeously swollen pussy lips of yours are a dead give a away. Either you love showing Alex your sexy body you are are aroused by the though of me ogling your gorgeous ass and delicious pussy. In either case, I want to think you both. sandygrayson2@
Really, "vaguy23456?" You find a woman's ass "boring?" You know, I can look at a woman's ass all day long and never be bored. A woman's ass is a friggin' work of art! But then again, I am a straight male. What's your story?
Really? "totoo" actually has the audacity to ridicule what someone else has to say? Heck, I guess he has a right to feel superior . . . after all, how many people have his ability to speak with a mouthful of cock?
One of the three best asses ever shown on VW. Keep on posting, beauty. Sweet kisses on your unbelievable ass from Germany, Torsten. ;-) Meister20011001@
"totoo" wrote: "note to contributor: ( WATCH OUT ) has no dick." I guess that means that "totoo" DOESN'T find "watch out" sexually attractive, as it is clear that "totoo" is a pole smoker.
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Tina's Ass Shots
Posted by: Tina
Here are some pics of my 31 year old wife's ass, she is either horny or pretending to be for me, either way she can be real dirty