By the way, if ANYONE knows what an animal's ass looks like, it's el B@rfo. When he gets a piece of ass, it's probably LITERALLY a piece of donkey . . . and sheep . . . chickens . . . any animal that can't say "no" or report him to the authorities.
Yep, "el Barfo" just can't resist. His racist comment gets deleted earlier yet the clown's life is so meaningless he just HAS to come back here and insult her again. Yep, NOTHING is going to keep him from proving he's a world-class dullard!
And now I see we have a new contestant on "How to be the world's biggest coward and jerk at the same time!" Let's welcome our new friend, "green hornet!" Yes, Mr. "Hornet" comes to us straight from "I have never had a woman in my life-ville" in the great state of "no woman will ever love me tucky!" Mr. "Hornet's" hobbies are masturbating while stoking his bitterness over the fact that even his hand is only going through the motions, as even IT doesn't love him.
I've never seen a person more determined to continuously prove that he's a total horse's ass that "el Barfo." Here's a clown who sees his racist comment removed earlier and so he comes back because he's DETERMINED that he's going to hurt this woman's feelings. One has to wonder how pathetic one's life must be when they're that determined to abuse someone anonymously.
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Posted by: J